News & Events

A Message from our CDHA Board...

Welcome to our new website. I hope you find it informative and helpful. We plan to add more features and content in the near future. We also have a members only content page that can only be viewed by our Association members. To gain access, please click on the “Registration” button at the top right corner of the site. Fill out this page and you will create an account on our site. Once you verify your email address, your account will be created. We will then verify your membership with the association and approve your access to our members only page. To access it, you will click on the “Login” button on the top right corner and enter your account credentials. Once logged in, you should now see the “Members Only Content” page at the top of the page. The members only page contains our latest minutes, financial reports, bylaws, and our member directory. We will be adding more content here in the near future. If you need help with this process, please feel free to reach out to us.

Please see the upcoming events listed below. We will be adding more events soon.